Artexed Ceilings Covered

Back in the early 70s properties all over the country were having their ceilings covered in fancy artex pattens, whether it be a swirl pattern to a more decorative fan pattern, now nearly 50 years on people are having it covered up and just want nice flat ceilings. 

At Plasterbristol we can do this for you, if your ceilings or walls have artex please get it tested for containment of asbestos as we cannot do anything until you do this, there is a section on my website explaining what to do about asbestos in artex.

If you do want flat ceilings the best and easiest option would be to plasterboard over your ceilings, but on some occasions we cannot do this due to having or wanting to keep your decorative coving or ornante ceiling roses. As long as your ceiling doesn’t contain asbestos and isn’t coming down we can simply remove the high spots, screw up any loose areas or replace sections if need be, seal it and plaster over it 

Below are a few examples of what can be achieved, please email, text or call with what you require